Who We Are

Hey there! We are Coleman and Maggie, Co-Founders of Wrestling With Talent. 👋

Our journey started in 2016 when we met while working for the same startup in Charlotte, NC. Coleman’s love of wrestling sparked conversations about finding unexpected connections and lessons from professional wrestling and applying them to People programs. And the rest was history!

Wrestling With Talent opened its doors in 2020 and brings our clients a combined 20+ years of HR, learning, culture, and change management experience. We offer a unique combination of education and experience. We aim to help people think about their worldview differently. Learning doesn’t always have to happen in the way you expect. We combine research and innovation to help clients deliver people-focused results through experiential activities.

Our Mission

We know that companies from high-growth small startups to Fortune 500 companies when employees have the tools and programs they need to perform. We are successful when we have people programs that help grow your individual employees and your organization. 

  • Building scalable programs that meet your employees and leaders where they are, we can help your organization build a foundation of growth

  • Right-sizing tools and tech, we can build excitement around programs

  • Building people programs that offer employees a way to be heard, voice concerns, and connect back with the company's mission and values

Follow our journey.

You can find us at local and International conferences throughout the year! Stay connected with us and hopefully we will see you there!