Reflect & Rewire

Navigating Careers with Purpose and Brainpower

In the whirlwind of life, we often find ourselves caught in the current, pushing forward without a moment to ponder the motives steering our ship. Recently, while gearing up for a team-building session featuring Enneagram, I stumbled upon a profound realization—reflection isn't just a thoughtful exercise; it's a cognitive adventure with the power to transform our careers. Join me on this journey as we explore the importance of reflection, peppered with insights from the captivating world of cognitive science.

Reflecting may seem like a luxury in the hustle and bustle of our careers. But, as I discovered through my Enneagram exploration, it's necessary. Reflecting on our motives is akin to opening a treasure chest of self-awareness, clarifying why we make choices, pursue specific goals, or react uniquely to challenges.

Behind the scenes of our introspective musings lies the fascinating world of cognitive science. Our brains, complex networks of neurons, come alive during reflection. The default mode network (DMN) lights up, engaging regions associated with self-awareness and moral reasoning. It's not just a mental exercise; it's a neural dance that reshapes our thinking.

How to Navigate the Reflective Journey

  • Mindful Observation: Start by keenly observing your actions and decisions. Look for patterns and ask yourself: Are these aligned with my values and long-term goals?

  • Self Exploration: Dive into the Enneagram (or any personality assessment like CliftonStrengths, MBTI, Colors, Career Drivers, and so many more) — to help uncover your behavioral patterns and shed light on the motives driving your actions. It's like a personal GPS guiding you through the terrain of your career.

  • Neural Rewiring Fun: Reflecting isn't just about thoughts but neural rewiring. Picture your brain as a constantly evolving map—each reflection is a chance to create new pathways that align your actions with your authentic self. It's a bit like giving your brain a stylish makeover!

  • Embrace Metacognition: Embrace metacognition—the art of thinking about your thinking. It's like wearing smart glasses that enhance your ability to regulate thoughts and emotions, transforming your career decisions into strategic masterstrokes.


Let's remember the transformative power of reflection in a world that demands constant action. It's a journey into self-awareness and a neural adventure that shapes our cognitive landscape. Let's sprinkle a bit of fun into our reflective moments, unlocking the true potential of our motives and setting sail towards a more fulfilling professional horizon. Here's to reflecting with purpose and a touch of neuroscience magic!


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